Good Corporate Governance

Focusing on the working process that is based on Good Corporate Governance, Tugu Insurance is committed to optimizing performance for the sake of the company’s long-term contribution.

Committee Work Guidelines

To ensure the establishment of an optimal control system in Tugu Insurance internal body corporate, a committee was formed to assist the Board of Commissioners. This establishment refers to the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) No. 73/POJK.05/2016 concerning Good Corporate Governance for Insurance Companies. In Tugu Insurance, the Board Committee is divided into a number of specific sectors. These include the Audit Committee, the Risk Policy Committee, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee, and the Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Committee.

Each committee has their own respective duties and responsibilities. At the Audit Committee, the intended control system includes improving the quality of disclosure and financial reporting, evaluating the effectiveness of audit activities (internal and external), and identifying various matters that require the attention of the Board of Commissioners. The Tugu Insurance Committee must always be prepared if the Board of Commissioners assigns other tasks, both periodically and at any time.

Unlike the Risk Policy Committee which is responsible for assisting the Board of Commissioners in assessing the quality and effectiveness of risk management implemented by the Company, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee is responsible to assist the Board of Commissioners and/or Shareholders in selecting members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, formulating a performance appraisal system and the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors’ remuneration system, and reporting the results of their review and recommendations to the Board of Commissioners.

Meanwhile, the GCG Committee is responsible for monitoring the implementation and evaluating periodic assessments related to GCG. If there is anything that has not been optimized, the GCG Committee is required to provide recommendations related to the improvement of the Company’s GCG system and completeness. As part of the Company’s Annual Report, the GCG Committee is also assigned to revise work plans and reports on GCG implementation.

Committee Profile



Guidelines for Risk Monitoring Committee



Work Guidelines for the Integrated Governance Committee



Piagam Komite AudCharter of Audit Committeeit



Charter of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee

