Our Transformation

Tugu insurance carries out a transformation program. Accompanied by the spirit of "Reaching New Heights", work improvement continues to be done while continuing to carry out the company's six principles: Clean, Committed, Capable, Creative, Collaborative, and Customer Focus.

Reaching New Heights

Reaching New Heights is philosophically being our passion to inspire and  and empower our customers. We strive with full confidence to move to new levels, preparing to face the challenges and opportunities of life in the future. Worry free from the risks of various uncertainties in life.


Become the number one general insurance company in Indonesia.

  • Creating customer satisfaction.
  • Empowering human resources to become professionals.
  • Optimizing company value in a sustainable manner.
  • Developing the insurance company to become the pride of Indonesia and a world-class company.
Corporate Values
Amanah / Clean

Memegang teguh kepercayaan yang diberikan.

Kompeten / Capable

Terus belajar dan mengembangkan kapabilitas

Harmonis / Commited, Collaborative & Clean

Saling peduli dan menghadapi perbedaan

Loyal / Commited

Berdedikasi dan mengutamakan kepentingan Bangsa dan Negara.

Adaptive / Creative & Customer Focused

Terus berinovasi dan antusias dalam menggerakkan ataupun menghadapi perubahan

Kolaboratif / Collaborative

Membangun kerjasama yang sinergis